products and services
Eco-Power Energy is able to provide a power solution for any need. Our Power Plants can be scaled to meet any power demand and are able to be located onsite or near the customer, cutting down on the need for transmission lines that degrade the power over long distances.
For example, a single Power Plant, the JB-65, can power a small commercial building. Larger Power Plants are created by clustering multiple JB-65s together to increase power. Below are just few models that can serve different power requirements.

The JB-65 Power Plant has a 60 kW output and is able to produce 525,600 kWh annually.

The JB-455 Power Station has a 420 kW output and is able to produce 3,679,200 kWh annually.

The JB-2M Power Station has a 2 MW output and will produce 17,520,000 kWh annually.
Eco-Power offers the best solution for your green energy challenges. Our Power Stations delivers Clean (less than 5% THD), Green (No Fossil Fuels), Sustainable Electricity. Our clients can either purchase our patented hybrid generators or they contract with us to provide their base load power in a Power Purchase Agreement. Read more about this below.
Desalination Solutions
Eco-Power offers a solution for making fresh water from Sea or Brackish Water. This technology can be added onto any Power Station of 2 MW or higher providing 162,000 gallons of high purity water per day.
Power Purchase Agreements
Eco-Power Energy offers Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for our clients who may not want to take on the expense of owning green technology for their enterprise. The terms of the PPA are determined by several factors and will be negotiated with individual clients.
A PPA is an agreement to provide electric power for a project or existing entity such as a manufacturing plant of municipality. It shifts the risk from the consumer or potential client to Eco-Power, the power provider. For clients interested in entering into a PPA, the steps are as follows:
1. Determine the power demand.
This is usually done by making an analysis of the client’s current electric bill. Once the average monthly power consumption is determined, a simple calculation will reveal the number of Power Stations are required. For example; if the client is using 83,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month, that number is multiplied by 12 to find the power requirement for the year. In this case that would be 996,000 kWh per year. Each 60 kW Power Station produces 525,600 kWh annually, so by dividing 996,000 by 525,600 we find that this client needs 1.89 machines, rounded up to 2 machines as there is no .89 machine. At a cost of $550,000 per machine, the above project would cost $1,100,000.*
2. Determine the credit worthiness of the customer.
The rate for the electricity provided is determined by the size of the project and the credit worthiness of the customer.
3. The minimum period for a PPA is 20 years.
In certain cases, the PPA may carry an option to terminate the agreement with a purchase of the technology after a minimum negotiated period. This option is offered on a case by case basis.
* Discounts for size of project may be offered.